Optimizen your Hardware

Access to Hundreds of Millions in Hardware to Beat Out That Lead Time

About Us

Virtualizen is passionate about disrupting the status quo in the vast vendor universe as IT personnel are faced with more challenges than ever before. Ridiculous Lead Times, Constant Licensing Changes, Vendor Consolidation. Bringing revolutionary strategies to your playbook, Virtualizen is here to help you with your Digital Transformation. Learn More >




Providing ZenTime Maintenance

Gap Coverage to Full Term until Decommissioning

New, Certified, and Preowned solutions across your Infrastructure.

100% compatible optical solutions covering Government to Enterprise networks.

Post Warranty Maintenance, Professional Services, and Managed Power Services as-a-Service

Solutions from OEM aaS to customized HaaS across your infrastructure


Extending VirtuTeam Professional Services

Global Services to virtualize your team and processes across your footprint